Cuando se acerca fin de año, el fantasma de la dichosa felicitación de Navidad nos asecha. Desde las ideas más ridículas hasta las megaproducciones más absurdas abren camino a un brainstorming lleno de pan dulce y turrón. Después de deshechar viajes, personajes públicos, pasteles y hasta hostias, buscamos en nuestras casas y escritorios objetos varios: clips, bolis, personajes, chinothings y, gracias a la estupenda iniciativa de Rocío, colocamos cuidadosamente el material sobre las cuatro letras de esta casa.
El resultado fueron unas cuantas risas y esta tarjeta.

When the end of the year approaches, the ghost of Christmas cards get us. The most ridiculous ideas and the most absurd big productions open way for a brainstorming full of sweet bread and nougat. After rejecting trips, public prominent figures, pastry and hosts, we look in our houses and offices for different objects: paper clips, prominent figures, Chinese things, etc. Due to the wonderful initiative of Rocío, we put the material carefully in the four letters of this house. The result was some laughs and this nice card.


When the end of the year approaches, the ghost of Christmas cards get us. The most ridiculous ideas and the most absurd big productions open way for a brainstorming full of sweet bread and nougat. After rejecting trips, public prominent figures, pastry and hosts, we look in our houses and offices for different objects: paper clips, prominent figures, Chinese things, etc. Due to the wonderful initiative of Rocío, we put the material carefully in the four letters of this house. The result was some laughs and this nice card.

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